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About Us What & who makes us tick!

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    Dots | Home
    Dots | Security
    Dots | Tracker
    Industrial Internet Of Things (IIOT)
    Linux Base Software Development
    connecting the dots...
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    Welcome to Cynthecys
    connecting the dots...

Welcome to Cynthecys. It all started before some years when we thought about creating something useful for the people. We created some useful products like Home Automation, Security System, TrackMeIndia, GST Software and many more in progress so that people gets benefit from it on daily basis. We are happy to say that many customers are using our products happily from such a long time.

The entrepreneurial spirit isn't just about money. It's about building wealth through resources that only great relationships can bring. It's about connecting the dots: those connection points of intelligence, wisdom, desire and ability that are innate to people. It's about having the intuition not only to know that they exist but also to know what to do with them to continuously cultivate innovation and initiative.

Creating something is also like connecting and checking out the dots one by one and we follow the same principle. We do believe that trust, experience, passion, punctuality, creativity and collaboration is the main dots for creating something no matter how big it is.

While connecting the dots, maybe one day we will make some difference in people's lives. As Steve Jobs said: "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something -- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."

Our vision is simple, honesty and openness is vital for our customers, dotsHome will continue to work hard to gain the respect and trust of our target audience. We do not hard sell. Our ideologies and unconditional customer support do all the talking. All we promise is to be there when you need us. We have the right infrastructure and right attitude to take care of your needs, be of any size and nature. We make every possible effort to fulfil expectations of our customers. To complete Cynthecys Software means complete technology, complete dedication and complete service.
Humble: dotsHome is customer-centric and we serve our customers in a humble manner.
Hungry: We are hungry to serve our customers by aggressively engaging in new businesses and challenges.
Hardworking: We work hard to achieve goals set jointly with customers as well as reaching corporate objectives set by ourselves.
Industrial Internet Of Things (IIOT)
Home Automation
Security System
GPS Tracker
Linux Base Software Development (kiosk mode)
ERP Development (Java)

Company History

Jan 2015
Work On Security System

Oct 2015
Start Work On Gps Tracker & Home Automation

Feb 2017
Linux Based HMI Development